Hmh… I’m unsure how these comment threads work, hopefully I’m using it correctly.
Yes, I can see how I might bee applying the term “imaginary problem” to too many things, and as such, devoiding it of all meaning. At the same time, I don’t necessarily want to say all these issues (e.g. the ones in the banking system), can just be explained as or using “imaginary problems”, but I want to give a point of view from which they can be associated with imaginary problems.
So, I’m not so much saying “Every problem is Foo” but, “A lot of problems have a Foo component to them, to some extent” and since the “Foo” component is the focus of the article, I try to focus on it.
Even the problems I describe in the beginning could be labeled as communication, motivation and skill related problem, for example, and those labels wouldn’t be wrong, but I tried to see if this different label of “Imaginary problem” could fit them just as well.