Imaginary Problems Are the Root of Bad Software

Just because they’re fun to solve doesn’t mean they’re relevant

George Hosu
9 min readJul 21, 2018
Ox powered boat — sourced from the Wikimedia Foundation on Pintrest

You can read this article on my own blog, if you prefer that to medium.

There are many factors which can be a catalyst for bad software: from the tools being used, to team communication, to the personal stake developers have in its success, to the testing methodology.

I propose that there is one problem chief among them, an impetus for bad software from which almost all others take root: imaginary problems.

Most complicated or broken software is not designed to be overly complex or dysfunctional. It’s just designed to do something other than its intended purpose.

Let’s say you’re a podcast host who wants a custom website where you can sell your promotional products, make advertising money without a third party cutting in, and, most importantly, deliver podcasts, videos, and blogs to your audience.

The requirements for your little web-app might look something like this:

  • Fast load time in North America, with real-time podcast streaming and downloads
  • Doesn’t crash or freeze in the first 15 minutes for 99.99 percent of users, preferably never crashes or freezes



George Hosu

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