Personally I find any chairs designed for sitting still for long periods of time to be unhealthy for my back. Granted, as someone that’s almost 2 meters tall I’m not the main demographics they are designed for, but I still think that the idea of “sitting comfortably” is inherently flawed if your goal is overall health.
You don’t “want” to be comfortable for 10 out of 16 waking hour of your life or more… you want to be in slight “discomfort” (not the tooth pain kind, the “oh, my left leg is slightly tired kind).
Standing desks, or simply moving around a lot are ideal for this purpose, my worry with any comfortable chairs is that you’re just kicking the back-pain can down the road and it will come back with a vengeance once you’re past a certain age.
At least, that’s the skip I’m putting all my oysters into.