There’s important differences between DMT and most other popular psychedelics when it comes to consumption and production.
Almost all other psychedelics have one thing in common: Ease of consumption. With DMT you have to take large doses of MAO inhibitors in order to consume it orally, which results in a different kind of trip and is arguably dangerous. Or, as is more common, you have to go through the disgusting experience of smoking it.
Personally, this has always meant I don’t enjoy DMT as much. It should be a small annoyance that you forget about, but I can’t help but feel that the smoking experience negatively affects the trip.
Most psychedelics have another thing in common: They work well with economies of scale. Producing 1g of LSD is complicated, but once you’re setup it’s a small jump to produce 1kg (keep in mind, that’s essentially 30,000–120,000 “doses”).
Producing DMT is quite different. The “lab” setup is minimal and raw material is common, but hard to get in industrial quantities. If you have a lab and supply chain for producting LSD or DO{X} or NBOMe (ergh) you’re pretty much “all in”. With DMT, you can get the supplies and equipment for a “friends and family” operation and fly under the radar very easily, but scaling up is almost impossible.
So I think the “core demographic” of DMT usually ends up being quite different from that of other psychedelics because of those reason.
Obviously, godless-good-for-nothing junkies (psychedelic enthusiasts) will end up trying and enjoying more than one substance. But in terms of first experiences, I think DMT and LSD appeal to widely different crowds.